Channels dedicated to your business

CHR Eurochef Logo Hôtellerie-restauration Hotels and restaurant
Gasel Logo Logo Hôtellerie-restauration Hotels and restaurant
Gafic Logo Hôtellerie-restauration Hotels and restaurant
Metro Logo Hôtellerie-restauration Hotels and restaurant
Gif Logo Hôtellerie-restauration Hotels and restaurant

Highlight your products in your wholesalers website while being align with their expectations.

Manage your discounts, price change and product selection for all your distributors.

Watch out pallet dimensions asked by your distributors and adapt your packagings. 

Try Daiteo with your own products

Click here and we will organize a meeting together.
Our software is 3 months engagements free.


Daiteo fit perfectly for industrials manufacturers who need to manage and share their product data to their clients. Such a easy-to-use, friendly and powerful software has no equal, even internationnaly.”

Olivier Magnin,
General Manager France, LACO INDUSTRIE