Same business but different stories.

Our clients are SMBs or Enterprises selling their products in professional distributors or hypermarkets.

Choose the best technology to speed up your sales

Product data are at the heart of your industry. Reliable and customized informations help you to increase your revenu. Our technology is focus on this value added to become your business partner. 

Automate data exchange with your clients

Be reactive with your data is key success factor in your company. Archive your Excel files, avoid mistakes and don’t waste time with time-consuming tasks. Daiteo is able to convert your data in any formats aked by your distributors. 

Stock your media and share them easily

All your medias (photos, technical datasheets, notices) are gathered and classified on Daiteo. Following the import they will be assigned to each of your products. Daiteo is also able to create an URL allowing authorized people to download it.


Daiteo teams listen to you, are reactive and adapt the software to your business needs which is very confortable.”

Yoann Landelle,
Marketing Director, LAVI

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