Accompanied from A to Z on the FAB-DIS

  • Company : Tricoflex
  • Industry : Flexible pipes
  • Number of product : More than 1000

Tricoflex is a leading company in Europe in the manufacture of flexible hoses.


Based in Vitry-le-François in Champagne, the company designs and produces modern hoses with an annual production capacity of over 100,000 kilometers.


Tricoflex has over 65 years of experience in this field.

"The FAB-DIS format is becoming essential"


  • Centralizing product data

Information is spread across multiple departments and information systems, lacking coherence and leading to manual reworking of data or a loss of quality.


  • Increasingly complex customer demands

Interactions with customers are slowed as exchange formats become more complex, especially with the FAB-DIS format and the ETIM tab.
A loss of time and repetitive tasks impacting all departments.

“Our product data management is divided between our ERP and the marketing department, which handles the creation of our print catalog. As a result, our product information is scattered across multiple files and between two departments.


More and more of our customers are asking us to provide our product data via a FAB-DIS format, with the ETIM tab completed.


It has therefore become essential to be able to meet these increasingly frequent requests and to adhere to the imposed deadlines.”

Catalin Stoian

Marketing Manager

A FAB-DIS compliant with EasyCheck

Daiteo allows you to centralize your product data on the PIM and export it in FAB-DIS format. Daiteo is a FAB-DIS Inside solution.

The Daiteo solution has enabled Tricoflex teams to quickly generate FAB-DIS files, 100% compliant with EasyCheck.

FAB-DIS in 3 clicks

“We had no knowledge of the FAB-DIS format.

We didn’t know how to approach it or where to start. Thanks to a well-structured process, we managed to deliver the requested file to our client in record time. It was truly a team effort!

First, it was essential to extract our product data cleanly into Excel files. Once this work was done, the Daiteo teams imported the various Excel files into the Daiteo platform.

Exporting in FAB-DIS format takes only a few minutes since Daiteo can automatically convert an Excel file into FAB-DIS format.

Finally, the Daiteo teams manually completed the ETIM tab.

After making a few adjustments, we were able to verify the file’s validity via EasyCheck.

The result: No errors, 100% validated!”

Personalized support and a responsive team

“To implement such a project, we contacted three PIM solution providers.



We selected Daiteo for the close relationship they immediately established.



Indeed, Daiteo offers highly personalized support and great responsiveness: we move forward quickly, and there is always someone available to help.



Moreover, we received numerous explanations about the FAB-DIS format, which allowed us to understand our clients’ needs.”

The 3 main reasons to choose the Daiteo solution:

  • 100% compliant FAB-DIS files  
  • Comprehensive support  
  • High responsiveness from the Daiteo teams
Catalin Stoian
Marketing Manager

About Daiteo

Daiteo is the ideal solution for companies looking to regain control of their product data and streamline their exchanges with their clients and distributors.


Daiteo helps companies to centralize, manage, and quickly export their product data, while offering specific functionalities for media storage, collaboration among employees, and much more.


More than 90 clients such as AkzoNobel, Daikin, Signify, Toshiba, as well as many other brands worldwide, but also SMEs, have chosen Daiteo to propel their commercial strategy.


Founded in 2018, Daiteo has a dedicated team of experts and manages millions of products in various sectors, including industry, retail, food, and many others.